Wednesday 6 June 2007

Christmas Cheer?

I'm baffled. Today, Dad has mentioned Christmas about 6 or 7 times. Mainly in relation to Christmas Dinner. He keeps talking about what he would like to eat - a small portion of turkey, veg, potato and gravy. How Roy's parents would have to come over here this year, but there should be room for us all. How he's hoping that if he's still here he'll be able to eat a Christmas Dinner.

Mum asked him if he wanted to try a small roast dinner - but he just said "At Christmas, yes".!!!
What is meaning of this? I am sure there must be a message behind it for us. We wonder if Dad would like some kind of family gathering before he passes. We're thinking of doing something on Father's Day.

More black humour content: Mum says if Dad lasts until Christmas, then he'll have seen the rest of us off by then!!

We were discussing today how mentally draining being a caregiver is (it's also physically draining for mum, too). Every day I thank my lucky stars that there are three of us plus the Home Care team and Nurses doing this. So many people are alone and trying to cope.

Dad was happy to see his three mates - Richie, Philly and George today. He seemed anxious to know what they'd said about him - how he looked, how he seemed etc. I said they think he's doing really well. He thinks they were more relaxed with him than on their first visit to him since he's been home.

Mum and Dad argue incessantly about the most ridiculous things! Today I mediated in three quarrels -
- how we can get the towels soft enough for Dad's sensitive skin
- how to get three visitor chairs in his room without moving his bed (answer: it can't be done)
- how many glasses of water Dad is allowed on his bedside table for over night. He wanted 3, mum only wanted him to have two. I've given him three. I won't argue with him, and if he knocks one, then it's only water.
I try to tell mum that we have to remember that Dad lives in a very small world at the moment and therefore these things can escalate to major rows with him if we don't back down (or be seen to back down) a little bit. She doesn't really seem to want to give way. Her choice - and I guess that's how they've always been so.....
Problem is, sometimes they are just at crossed wires and then if I step in and Dad gives way, Mum gets upset cos he'll listen to me but not her. Ah well, these things are sent to try us.

Dad told mum tonight that he'll come for her when he's got things all sorted out in heaven. I think she must have looked a bit panicked because he then added "Not for another 15 years or so - unless your knees go and you can't cope, and then I'll come and get you sooner".
He is so funny.... unwittingly so, sometimes.

He had also told her that he might start feeling a bit frisky if he carries on "feeling better", LOL! At that, she did panic and almost ran out of his room (only kidding). Then I walked in and he said "not in front of the girls"!

Dad is now eating very little. Today he's had:
5 spoons of porridge (he was very specific when ordering this)
Half a cup of tomato soup
Half a tub of strawberry mousse
A 2" piece of smoked haddock, mixed with butter and a poached egg yolk.
How he's keeping going on that I don't know.

Roy's parents go to Ibiza tomorrow for a week's holiday.

I had some sad news yesterday from my friend Lynn - she lost her father a month ago. We're going to meet up next week for dinner.

Time for bed. My mattress awaits.......

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