Tuesday 19 June 2007

Fiddle Faddling around.......

I thought Dad had settled down last night at about 1am. He had been reading his book until late. I got into bed at 10 past one. Then I heard this zzzz, zzzz, zzzz noise. I went in to Dad's room to discover that the noise was Dad fiddling with his electric bed buttons!

He then wanted me to feel his face so I could see how great a job the carers had done in shaving him the day before. He obviously wanted to chat.
So I got into a conversation with him (he was telling me all about how he's going to organise himself to do the jigsaw Lol's kids got him for Fathers Day) until about half past 1. "He said he thinks he's going to have a lot of fun with the jigsaw. He then told me about when he was sick as a kid (he was asthmatic and had bronchitis a lot). One of his favourite pastimes was jigsaws. Another was knitting (nothing elaborate!). Also, he liked to sit where he could see out of the window and write down car registration numbers - although I think that game got a bit boring as we're talking about the 1940's here and only one person in his street actually drove a car!

Then he said "Right, you'd better get to bed", like I was keeping him up! And ordered me to put my light out so he could settle down.

I told him I was going to take the buttons of him if he didn't stop playing with them....

Today, Dad is fiddling like mad with everything -his bed, his feet and legs, how his "stuff" is arranged on his table. It's doing my mum's head in as he calls me in a lot to help him - but I've told her it is what I am here for and if I'm not re-positioning his feet, pillows, bed and table every half hour then I'd have nothing to do, would I!!!

Earlier I walked in his room as he was fiddling about with his you-know-what (checking the catheter) so I just told him to stop messing about with things and walked out. Didn't want to get involved in that one, LOL!

He looks pretty rough today -probably tired as he woke early. He keeps wanting Oramorph (liquid morphine for breakthrough pain). He calls it Orriemore, and mum calls it Oraform. Sometimes if we ask whether he actually has any pain he says no, but he thinks it might just settle him down! Generally, the only pain Dad has is from his pressure sores - if there is any underlying cancer pain, then the Zomorph (slow release morphine) seems to do the trick.

Mum is very pale and wan looking. She hardly goes out..... for various reasons.

I had a short trip out to Widnes today. Picked up prescriptions, filled up with petrol, got the pension and lottery sorted out. Then home. A quiet day. Oh -Lillie and Brendan, mum and dad's old neighbours and long standing friends, came to visit before lunch. They bought him some holy water from Knock (site of a shrine to the Virgin Mary in Ireland). I told Mum not to mistake it for the Orriemore in the morning!

Not much else to report. Dad's arms itched tonight, but they seem to have calmed down with some cream on them. It's now after midnight and he's still awake but trying to get to sleep. And I'm about to do the same.

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