Wednesday 6 June 2007

Meeting new people

Mum did Dad's early "shift" today (the up at 5 to wake him so he doesn't sleep too heavy routine) but I still woke up and heard them anyway. Then at 7-ish they were talking and every other word seemed to be "Jan" so I got up to see if I was needed to something. Apparently it was Dad trying to get mum to go back to bed for an hour or so, and let me see to his tablets, ear drops etc.

Fine by me, but mum stayed up anyway. It's amazing how long it can take to run through the daily routine stuff. I must list them out one day (those who know my love of lists will understand why I would want to do this).

I picked Dad's papers up and then headed out to meet a cyber friend I met on the Pancreatic Cancer UK website. She lives in Canada but is back in the UK caring for her mum who has PC. Funny thing is, as we were exchanging messages on a PC Forum, we realised we were both in the same (small) town at the moment! So we're meeting up for a coffee. I was telling my dad earlier and we ended up having a very confused conversation! I told him I was meeting a lady I met online, and he thought I meant Lady! He starting asking me whether she had inherited her title and if she was a down to earth or a bit la-di-dah!!! I think we ended up back on track.

So I had a nice lunch with Barb and then popped to the shops to pick up some stuff for tonight. It's "Big Shop" day tomorrow.

This afternoon, Lorraine and I spent a pleasant couple of hours in with Dad looking through all the family photograph albums. We found some really funny ones and some of Dad's mum and grandma. When he was looking at the picture of his gran he was telling me how she was a lovely lady, and then he looked at the photo and said "You're a lovely lady".

Later on, I did Dad's arms for him (they do itch and it soothes them if I wash them after his dinner) and I also washed his head, as he says he keeps forgetting to ask the carers to do it. I think he's just scared, as one of them cut his head twice with a bracelet a few weeks ago. So I did his head too (well, just the bald patch). I apply lotion to Dad's skin using a firm patting motion, and he was very impressed with how warm my hands were - he say's I should start a Reiki/Healing practice! I was highly flattered by this. We had a chat about how much we've all learned in the last four months - not only about how to do stuff, but about ourselves as people. He asked if I'd offered my services as a carer to my in-laws if they should ever need them!

Dad's still talking as if he's going to be here for a long time yet (6-9 months was mentioned at one stage) and was even telling me how he's increasing his food intake a little each day. He did eat well today (compared to some). Maybe he's in training for his Christmas Dinner!

We've had some fun today - just bantering and reminiscing and stuff.

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